Best Travel Flip Flops For Plantar Fasciitis Sufferers
WARNING: This post may not be pretty, but it’s the truth. Feet & toe photos up ahead.
Also, I am not a doctor. Please consult your podiatrist/doctor if your feet hurt for whatever reason. Everything I mention on this post is solely based on my personal experience only.
Do you suffer from plantar fasciitis? Do you have a hard time walking long distances or can’t because your feet hurt at the end of the day? Well, I was once a part of that club. However, when I bought a pair of OluKai flip flops, my pain went away!
Here where I live, I found a retailer that carries a ton of flip flops, sandals, and other styles of OluKai. The store is located at a nearby mall! So you never know if there is a store nearby.

The craftsmanship on these sandals is amazing. This brand is spearheaded in the beautiful state of Hawaii. I know it’s beautiful because our family has been there (and want to go back)!

If you don’t find a retailer near you, you can always place an order directly online. Like I mentioned before, they don’t sell just flip flops. They carry sandals, shoes, boots, and slippers.

Don’t let the above photo scare you. I warned you about feet and toe photos. I have had this pair (I have 2 pairs) for over 5 years! They are still going strong. They haven’t fallen apart and when I tell you I wear flip flops ALL the time, it is an understatement. I wear OluKai flip flops so much that I have permanent feet tan!

I wear them at home.

I wear them to my local beach.

I wear them while on vacation.

If you’d like a closer look at the arch that these flip flops provide, see my photos below. Please keep in mind that these are not brand new. I have been using these blue flip flops for about 2 years now.

Again, if you’d like to see the selections, styles, and colors go to their website:
I hope you give OluKai a chance. The flip flops are amazing and they are very comfortable!
If you don’t have an OluKai store near you or if you prefer to purchase from Amazon directly, there are some selections available there.
If you already wear these I would love to hear your testimony about them in the comments section!