How To Stay Healthy While Traveling
There’s one thing that I hate while traveling and it’s being sick or having someone else in your party be sick. You don’t want to admit it, but it kind of puts a damper on your fun vacation or it makes your work trip miserable. In the last 4 years, I personally have not had to call in sick to work. Oh, I’ve taken my personal days, but I have not had to call in sick. I take precautions at home all the time and now I want to share the precautions I take before & during traveling. Here are my surefire ways to do my best to stay healthy while traveling and now you can too!
1. Take Vitamin C prior to your trip

Getting an extra boost of Vitamin C daily a week or two before your trip will enhance your immune system. I am not a doctor, so please don’t take any medical advice from me, but I’ve seen this time & time again in our family that this helps. I even give this to my kids before mid-terms & final exams. Who here likes to have someone sneezing on an airplane? Not me. I don’t know about you, but I literally stop breathing for a few seconds when someone sneezes near me. I feel like I’m not breathing in their germs. I know, weird.
2. Bring Over-the-counter Medicine

Since we’re talking about taking Vitamin C, don’t forget to pack your over-the-counter medicines. I know you’re probably thinking these are for when you’re already sick, but these are preventative, too. Taking stomach medicine at the first sign of stomach pain might prevent other symptoms. Or taking medicine for a headache might prevent you from a migraine. Do you see where I’m getting at? Also, these are always a good idea to carry with you while traveling because you just never know. Better to have them and not need them, than to not have them and need them.
3. Wash Your Hands Often

You don’t have to be over the top about this, but please make sure you wash your hands after using any restroom and before eating. It amazes me how many people don’t wash their hands after using the restroom! Why? It’s for your own good and for the good of those around you. People, please, just wash your hands. So many germs can be avoided.
4. Bring hand sanitizer or towelettes

This is always a good idea to bring just in case you have those instances where you can’t get to a restroom to wash your hands. You’re traveling, so of course, you need something on the go because you’re on the go. There will be times where you may want to clean your hands like when meeting new people and shaking their hands or you’re grocery shopping to stock your hotel room and the grocery store is out of wipes (that’s happened to me plenty of times)! Take this. You’ll be happy you did.
5. Try Not To Touch Your Face

We actually do this subconsciously all the time. We have an itch on our nose, we scratch it. We have an itchy eye, we rub it. We have kids? Well, you know what a lot of them do with their nose. Yuk! Some people bit their nails, too. The point is if our hands your hands are dirty and you go to touch your face, you will probably pick up some germs and therefore, you might get sick. Make it a habit not to take your hands to your face, especially while traveling.
6. Drink More Water Before & During Your Trip

Keeping hydrated is important. It helps your bodies organs functioning as they should be. While you’re traveling your body may be undergoing stress because of new locations, new people, new customs, etc, so drinking water will keep your body under control. The easiest way to do this is by carrying a refillable water bottle. If you’re in a location where you trust the water source, just refill your bottle. Drinking water before your trip will prepare your body to be in its best optimum health. And people, please don’t think that soda or energy drinks will do the trick. Just because they’re liquids doesn’t mean they’re healthy for you. Stick with good ol’ H2O. And if you absolutely can’t tolerate straight up H2O, then add a little flavoring. I personally like straight up H2O and Crystal Light flavors.
7. When In Doubt, Drink Bottled Or Canned Drinks

If you’re traveling and you’re not sure whether to drink the tap water or not, drink only bottled or canned drinks. Don’t ask for ice and then pour your bottled or canned drink over the ice. If you do that, you just drank tap water but in the frozen method. Think about it. This may cost you more, but it’s better to pay extra for drinks than pay for a hospital bill. Again, if you have to drink things this method, try to stick with bottled H2O and stay away from sugary or energy drinks.
8. Wipe Down Your Hotel Room

You may think this is excessive, but think about how many people have stayed in the same exact room as you. And, don’t think that the maid has cleaned it thoroughly. Although I have much respect for their job, I don’t trust that they have cleaned every part that carries the most germs. I like to wipe down (using towelettes from #4) the following areas:
remote controls, toilet handle & sink faucet, light switches, and doorknobs
9. Eat Something For Breakfast

I’m not a big breakfast eater and if I do eat breakfast, I’m usually hungry by 10:00 a.m. However, when I’m traveling I like to eat at least a little something before we head out the door (and usually that’s early because we like to make the most of our day sightseeing). I will either eat something quick like waffles, a granola bar, or some fruit. Getting something in your stomach is good because it will give you energy for what could be a long day, prevent you from getting any headaches or your stomach queasy, and even though it doesn’t have anything to do with staying healthy, you might not be so hungry for lunch, therefore saving you money on a big meal. Everyone is different, but I find it better to eat at least a little something before heading out for your day.
10. Get Your Sleep

If you do everything above, but you don’t get a good night’s sleep, then you will have a hard time functioning for the rest of the day. This is true not just when traveling, but for any time. The body needs to rest. Don’t underestimate the importance of sleep. I know you want to get everything in into one day and feel accomplished, but it’s better to break down activities into two days and have a great time than do everything in one day and feel like you’re going to die. For example, do only one Disney park per day. Then go back to your hotel room to relax and sleep. Don’t try to do multiple parks in one day and expect to get it all in. I don’t recommend this at all! Especially if you’re not 18 years old anymore if you know what I mean.
Have you ever gotten sick while traveling? What was your worst experience? What things do you do to prevent getting sick? I would love to hear your stories!