How to Stay Sane While Traveling: 6 Travel Tips to Keep You From Pulling Your Hair Out
Do you ever wonder, what ever happened to simplicity? Do you find yourself asking WHY in certain circumstances when you travel? Do you feel YOU could do better if you were in charge? These are my 6 suggestions on how you can lower your stress & stay sane while traveling so you don’t die prematurely.
1 – Pack patience
You don’t have to be a genius to see how travel can become stressful if you let it be. You’re the only one that can control yourself, your feelings, your outbursts, your attitude, and how you treat others. When I start running low on patience, I ask myself the same question every time. WILL MY IMPATIENCE MAKE THIS BETTER? 99.999% of the time, the answer is no. So why become impatient and make yourself have an ulcer? Let it go and free yourself from becoming anxious, getting a headache, and potentially annoying those around you. Stay sane while traveling.
2 – Compliment
One of the best ways to feel better about yourself is to actually compliment at least one person a day. This shouldn’t change when you’re traveling. Give compliments to your flight attendant, your waitress, your hotel front desk attendant, the person next to you in line. There are so many people that could use some positive vibes. We hear about mental health all the time. Well, this is a great way to improve it for both you and the person receiving the compliment. Stay sane while traveling.
3 – Hydrate & Refuel
If you are not constantly refueling by hydrating, you’re doing yourself a disservice. It not only can be hard on your body physically, but mentally as well. Long travel days or short travel days, it makes no difference on keeping hydrated. And, what I mean by hydration, I don’t mean sugary soft drinks or energy drinks. I mean pure H2O. Our body needs it no matter what you may think. Science proves it! Stay sane while traveling.

4 – Focus on the Positive
Remember when I mentioned positive vibes on number 2 above by giving compliments? Well, focusing on the positive instead of everything that’s crashing down before you is a mindset. It doesn’t come easy a lot of times, but if you really think about it, there is always something to be thankful for. Focus on the positive. Be aware of your surroundings and take a breather. Stay sane while traveling.
5 – Save it for Later
About to burst? Save it for later. Don’t let your travel woes and the people around you become travel foes. If you have a negative experience at your lodging, with an employee, etc. don’t take it out on them. Instead, unless it’s time sensitive and critical, save it for later by writing a constructive and honest review. Always approach things in a positive way because you just never know when you will be back or encounter someone again in the future. Always leave on a good note. One thing I learned while teaching is when you write an email, use the sandwich method: start with something positive, write your concern, end with a positive spin. Stay sane while traveling.
6 – Plan Ahead
Some problems can be avoided if you only plan ahead. Think to yourself, could YOU have made this better if only you planned ahead? If so, why are you blaming everyone else? Check the weather ahead of time when you’re about to travel. Yes, it’s not 100%, but it’s a good indicator of what you could pack. Don’t take it out on someone for your lack of preparation. Stay sane while traveling.
The main point of this article is to take accountability for your actions, go with the flow if things don’t turn out the way you wanted, and find the fun in the unexpected.
Do you have a story to share in which you practiced (or wish you had practiced) any of these 6 approaches? Please share by commenting below!
Check out my related post “10 Travel Tips To Remember Before, During, And After Your Trip.”