Culture No-No’s: Faux Pas and Other Embarrassing Moments

I want to clearly state that we are not responsible for any one statement listed as the author. All information presented here has been given by authority of the author listed.

Have you ever been abroad and encountered or been surprised by something you said or did? I have. This is the story of my culture no-no. By the way, I chose the eclectic group of colorful frames because it reminds me of all of us living in this world. We’re all of different sizes, shapes, and colors, but we’re all human beings!

Once upon a time, a group of us were at a Spanish speaking country out and about doing the touristy things. Someone in our group decided to go into a store to shop and I decided to stay outside and wait. We had been walking a lot and was a bit tired so I rested my back against a wall, bent one of my legs back from the knee, and rested it against the wall as well. I started getting a lot of strange looks from people and had no idea why. When I mentioned this to my group, they mentioned to me that, well let’s just say that to keep it family friendly, those looking at me strange thought I was selling something! I was shocked!

Check out more of these culture no-no’s: 


  1. Don’t speak German in the Netherlands. Yes, they are an extremely tolerant people. No, they will not tolerate hearing German. 
  2. Expect to bag your own groceries in Europe. 

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3. Raising your voice when you don’t speak the language—shouting does not magically transcend language barriers! 

4. Saying “In the US, we…” No one cares. I promise you. I lived in Ecuador for 12 years. 


5. Taking photos of random people, particularly women, in Muslim countries without their permission. No no nooooo!


6. In South Korea it is very important to remember NOT to tip. No matter what service it is, do not tip it. Many tourists (Americans especially) get this wrong when they visit, but it is important to remember that tipping isn’t the culture everywhere. Here it is almost seen as an offense.

7. When giving and receiving items from an elder or senior, always make sure to use two hands as simply handing with one hand is quite disrespectful.

8. Interestingly enough you should also never pour your own drinks when with friends or family. Always let another person pour for you.

9. Well common sense. Don’t sit in elderly seats on the subway (many people can’t seem to see the really obvious signs!), and don’t be loud. No one will tell you off for being loud, but no one enjoys it either.


Have you or someone you know ever encountered a culture no-no or embarrassing moment? We would love to hear all about it!

Culture No-No's