Proud recipient of The Sunshine Blogger Award

I am humbled to be nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by my fellow food, culture, and adventure blogger Daniela Frendo from Grumpy Camel. Just over a year ago, I started this adventure of travel blogging. Although, it has been a huge learning curve (viral marketing, SEO, social media, Word Press, basically all the tech stuff) it truly is a lot of fun. There is still a lot to learn and as I grow and bring more creative content, my main goal is to hopefully inspire people to explore their surroundings, get out of their comfort zone, engage and respect other cultures, and make memories that will last a lifetime. 

sunshine blogger award

All opinions are my own or the stated author approved by me. This post may contain affiliate links. Mackintosh Travels™ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Thank you for your support.

1) What inspired you to start a travel blog?

I used to scrapbook all our photos and keep memorabilia in them, such as concert tickets, brochures, etc. I still do keep memorabilia, but in a box now. My scrapbooks were becoming too many to fit in our living room credenza, so I decided to start a website, which I now know as my travel blog, to keep our memories alive and share them with the world.

sunshine blogger award

2) What was your first blog post about?

My very first blog post was our about our very first vacation as a family to Walt Disney World. I started here because it was our first travel experience as a family and although it was backdated, I thought it was a great place to start.

3) Which country would you happily live in for the rest of your life?

I would love to live in Hawaii, but if I had to choose a country aside from the good old U.S.A., it might be Costa Rica because my mother and father’s side of the family is from there. I’ve visited there many times and it has some beautiful places I could retire. I also speak fluent Spanish so I wouldn’t have any problem communicating.

4) What is the weirdest place you’ve ever visited?

The Catacombs in Paris was the weirdest place I’ve ever visited. It is underground and filled with real human bones. It is dark, creepy, and cool at the same time.

5) Mountains or beaches?

I would never pass up a trip to either a beach or the mountains, but I’m a tropical girl so I would definitely prefer a gorgeous beach to lounge at. One of my favorite beaches ever to visit was straight out of a postcard. It was Green Sand Beach on The Big Island of Hawaii.

6) What’s your airport outfit?

My airport outfit is usually leggings, a long t-shirt, and flip-flops. I can’t stand having to take my shoes off at airport security and I like to be comfortable on a plane. Sometimes I will wear jeans because I can get cold easily if the a.c. is too cold.

7) Have you ever visited a place that made you feel uneasy?

I haven’t, but I take any place that I visit with caution & safety. When traveling, I am always aware of my surroundings, I have a criss-cross purse, I never leave anything unattended, and I always have my keys ready to go in my hand whether I’m entering my car or entering a hotel room. In addition, I always walk as if I know where I’m going. Those are safety precautions I take.

8) Street food or fine dining?

When our family travels, we are definitely more street food/fast food. We are always on a budget so although I do enjoy fine-dining, our budget is more street food friendly. I love food trucks because of the food authenticity and Disney Springs has some awesome food truck food!

9) How do you normally kill time on long journeys?

I do three things. 

1. I interact on social media. Being actively engaged with my blog followers is important to me. I also post new articles, do retweets, take photos and post on Instagram, Facebook, and Google +.

2. I people watch. I like to sit back, relax, and just observe people and wonder where they come from, what their lives are like, see what they’re wearing, etc.

3. I watch a good movie. If I’m on a long flight, I like to relax and pass the time by watching a good movie. I usually like to watch either a comedy or a romantic comedy. One of my favorite movies is “50 First Dates.”

10) What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

This is where you’ll think I’m totally boring. I’m typically not an adventurous person. Is that sad? The most adventurous thing, which to me is the same as it takes guts or courage to do something and if you count this like that, is that I’m not afraid to go up to someone famous and say hi or ask for a selfie. 

For example, Brian McKnight was on our plane to L.A. once and when we all got off the plane I went up to him and introduced myself. He had his band members with him, but I only live once and what’s the worse that can happen, they ignore me, they say don’t bother me? Actually, he was nice but looked surprised I approached him. LOL

11) Is there a song that reminds you of a place that’s special to you?

The song “Kokomo” by the Beach Boys always reminds me of all the tropical places I’ve been to. Since I’m a tropical girl the places it always brings me back to when hearing this song is my honeymoon at the Bahamas, Oahu with my family, and The Big Island with just my husband.

I now nominate the following bloggers:

1. Laura @ Frugal For Luxury

2. Crystal @ Crystal M McCann

3. Jenny @ Traveling Party of Four

4. Lori @ Maps, Memories, and Motherhood

5. Priscila @ Pry’s World

6. Linda @ Linda On The Run

7. Tricia @ Born to be Boomers

8. Jess @ Moms in a Magical World

9. Susan @ Just a Sunshine State of Mind

10. Erika @ Wine Dine & Be Fine 

11. Zippy @ Champagne Living

My questions:

1. Why did you start your blog?

2. If money, time, and commitments was not an option, where would you first travel to & why?

3. What is a food that you tasted that is not in your hometown that you loved?

4. Name a great travel or food-related movie?

5. What is your suitcase packing strategy?

6. Do you usually travel solo, as a couple, or as a family and what do you like best about it?

7. Name a blog post of yours that you believe is your favorite.

8. If you could work with one company that you don’t work with right now, who would that be?

9. Hotel or camping?

10. Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to travel or your love for food?

11. If you could speak another language what would it be? If you already do, what is it and how did you learn?

Rules for the award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.

  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

  • Nominate (at least) 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.