Proud recipient of The Sunshine Blogger Award

Proud recipient of The Sunshine Blogger Award

I am humbled to be nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by my fellow food, culture, and adventure blogger Daniela Frendo from Grumpy Camel. Just over a year ago, I started this adventure of travel blogging. Although, it has been a huge learning curve (viral 

Vacation Anticipation | A Real Euphoria

Vacation Anticipation | A Real Euphoria

This post contains no advice from any medical perspective. These are solely my opinions. If you’re like me, I have “vacation anticipation.” It’s a term that means you just CAN’T WAIT until your vacation and everything you do that leads up to it makes you 

Culture No-No’s: Faux Pas and Other Embarrassing Moments

Culture No-No’s: Faux Pas and Other Embarrassing Moments

I want to clearly state that we are not responsible for any one statement listed as the author. All information presented here has been given by authority of the author listed. Have you ever been abroad and encountered or been surprised by something you said 

Travel Gadgets | Simplify Your Travel

Travel Gadgets | Simplify Your Travel

Our family travels a lot. We love it when we have the opportunity to just get away and have fun. For some traveling can mean a whole lot more than just getting away. It can mean the hassle of packing, crowded airports, and jet lag. 

What you NEED to do to prepare for Comic-Con San Diego

What you NEED to do to prepare for Comic-Con San Diego

If you want to go to this very sought after event, you need to prepare. From seeking tickets, booking flights, and reserving a hotel room, here is our family prep list of what you need to do. Tickets  Tickets for this very sought after event are 

10 Travel Tips To Remember Before, During and After Your Trip

10 Travel Tips To Remember Before, During and After Your Trip

(Travel Tip Tuesday was a special feature for subscribers only) Travel Tip #1 – You CAN be your own travel agent. Don’t get me wrong. There are many highly respected travel agencies out there. And, of course, if you don’t feel confident enough, you don’t 

Liebster Award 2017+

Liebster Award 2017+

I humbly accept the Liebster Award 2017! I want to thank Ashley Baines of Live Whilst You’re Alive for nominating me! Please check out her beautiful blog for all things travel and London life. This 5 month journey into blogging has been a lot of work, but 

Shipt Groceries

Shipt Groceries

Shipt This company is a time lifesaver! If you’re a busy parent or someone that really doesn’t enjoy grocery shopping, this is the company for you. With many locations around the United States, they will shop for you! I can attest to this because I