Ho-hum Travel During a Ho-hum Season
I can honestly say this season of ho-hum travel has put a huge damper on our travel plans as a family. I know we’re not the only ones. Our youngest son graduated High School and his graduation gift was (and hopefully will be) a trip to New York City. However, I am staying positive through it all.
Starts with understanding…
I understand the importance of all the precautions with this horrible virus. I understand the right of everyone being treated equally. These are all very important and that is why I’m staying positive. Positive that things will change and get better for us as a society.
What we’ve been doing…
With that being said, here is what we’ve been up to. We’ve been at home doing the bare minimum to go out unless it’s essential. Basically just grocery shopping, grocery pickup service, taking mom to the doctor, dental appointments, graduation drive-by’s, and such.

Personally, I’ve been crafting quite a bit more. I’ve been creating “Mouse” ears. I love making these and I will be selling them soon once I have a big enough inventory. I hope to one day be able to wear my own creation to Disney World!

Local loves…
I’ve also been exploring our town by vehicle or, if I don’t see crowds, by foot. Our local parks are perfect to get some exercise with a friend. We have plenty of parks to choose from and many walking paths. However, in Florida if you’re going to walk it’s best to do it early in the morning because the heat can be brutal.

Live life…
My point is this, live your life but also be cautious during these times. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. Something good can always come out of a turbulent time. Find things that cheer you up. Call a friend, create something, go out for a drive, listen to music, watch a show or movie, learn something new, or start something you’ve put off for years. You’ll be surprised of what you’re capable of.

We have high hopes to travel again soon, but until then,
take care.

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